Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Quiet Place

So I've been thinking...that I wanted to jump back into the blogging world.  I miss it, and now that I have a two year old (instead of the infant I had two years ago) I'm gonna give it a go.  Although I got an impulse last week and started a new blog (I'm one of those people who love to start new projects...and may or may not have a lot of unfinished projects sitting around), I really still love my old blog.  I decided to give it a face lift and pick blogging back up in the same place I left off. order to blog I really have to have a place to gather and record my thoughts in peace.  A place of solitude.  Today I realized just how difficult it may be to find this place...

I realized this as I was visiting the potty today.  I assumed to make the visit alone (that's not unreasonable, right?), but I realized I was sorely mistaken as my family burst through the door.  (I love the beautiful retro glass door knobs in my house...but why oh why did they not need locks in 1935??)  It was urgent of course, because Ella, my 4 yr old, HAD to give me a Belle squinky, while wearing a crown and talking in a British accent.  (who knows??)  Then my 2 yr old had to follow...of course...because he was pretending to be Ella's dog.  Everyone knows that good dogs follow their master no matter where they go, so here came Noah, barking happily into the bathroom.  Finally, my husband came in after realizing the kids were no longer in his line of sight.  As the whole family played in the bathroom I realized (not for the first time) that I badly need a place of solitude...not to mention a lock on the bathroom door.

SO...the bathroom is not my place to blog.  (Aren't you thankful?  :o)  I'm gonna keep looking for a place of solitude to not only blog, but also to sit and pray, to read, and be filled.  I think that's pretty important in this season of my life.

Where is your place of solitude?  I'd love to hear your creative ideas especially if you have a crazy busy life life...


  1. In the living room at night, once everyone is fast asleep. :)

    1. I've tried this approach, but it seems like my brain shuts off after about 8pm...ugh!

  2. Let me know when you find yours. I am in need of one as well.

    1. I'll have to keep you posted. I'm hopeful I'll find one soon!

  3. My bedroom...we have 2 tv's which seem to only consist of sports and cartoon channels, so while they are being occupied, I go to my bedroom to have my quiet time. Whether it be my devotions, a magazine, or pinterest/facebook, this is my time to relax:)

    1. Mmmmm, I thats a good idea! I may have to try that :o)

  4. Mine is usually at some weird hour of the night when I can't sleep. I get really clear headed when I know the rest of the world (or at least my part of it) is fast asleep and it's just me and God. :)

    I love the new look of your blog! Looks like you've been busy since yesterday.

    1. I'm usually up at a weird hour because one of the kids wakes me up :o) BUT...I'm not really coherent, hee hee.

      Thanks :o) I felt it needed a facelift if I was gonna continue with inspired me during our talk on Saturday! I wanna know how you got a cool button to link to bloglovin. All I got was a link....
