There's always that question you get at the beginning of the week..."How was your weekend?" ...and it's a good question as long you have a good answer for it. BUT, if your true answer for that question is, "It was terrible, horrible, rotten, and pretty much no good, " or some other answer that is just as socially awkward, then we usually give the standard answer, "Fine." Three weekends ago my answer to the weekend question would've been "fine." Translation - It was pretty shocking, but I really don't want to talk about it right now. That shock has been the reason I've been MIA to the blog world for a few I figured I'd let you in on that weekend.
You probably know what's coming....but I'm going to pretend you don't :) So...the weekend started off normal, but this weekend I was supposed to get the dreaded period on Saturday. Saturday came and period. My period is usually like clockwork, so I thought about it,... but chalked it up to the new eating habits along with being super active the past couple of weeks. Sunday morning I was spending some time with God, talking through some things with Him. One of things that crossed my mind (obviously), was this period issue. So, I told God that if I was pregnant, He was really going to have to help me through this...and I had one of those Holy Spirit moments. Ever had one of those? They're pretty crazy...but for me it's like I get this overwhelming feeling that I KNOW something is true...usually accompanied by goose bumps. (I know, if you're not a Christ follower this may sound hokey, but I'm just telling it like it is. If you check out some stories in the Bible you'll see God has actually been talking to His followers since He created us. What's changed is our society - if we can't explain it with facts, figures, and research, then we deem it non-existent.) Well, the thing that the Holy Spirit allowed me to KNOW was that I WAS in fact preggo. Wow. I just sat there. For a while.
I went to church and tried to act like everything was normal. It wasn't. I went to buy a test after church, and tried to calmly take it. I wasn't so calm. Once it was positive, I tried to keep it to myself for a little bit to let the news sink in. I didn't. I told my husband through sobs. (Anybody else been there?) It wasn't that I wasn't happy to have a new little addition to our was ALL THE DETAILS. Would we have to get a new car? (Which is always accompanied by another car payment) Would we have the finances to pay for all of this? (We both LOVE our jobs, but we both work in ministry, remember? :) And on and on and on.... I have to say my husband gets mad props. He assured me, calmed me down, and reminded me God would provide. God has been doing the same thing, continually reminding me that he provides. (The passage he keeps telling me is included at the bottom.)
So...I'm feeling much better about things, I'm starting to trust God and feel the joy that comes with knowing a new life is growing. Unfortunately, I'm also feeling much worse physically. The nauseau has hit, and unlike my other two pregnancies, this nauseau likes to hang around aaaallllllll ddddaaaaayyyyy. Ugh! In fact, as I talk to you I'm wearing my oh-so-fashionable sea bands and sipping on some Ginger Ale. So I'll have to ask you to forgive me if my blogging suffers for the next few weeks...I'm sure you don't want to read about my puking :)
Slightly Green,
Here's the passage that's been super encouraging to me:
"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and hot they grow. They don't work or make their clothing yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?" Matthew 6:25-30
(how lucky we are to have a God that loves us THAT much. :)
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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Wow girl! What news! I'm excited for you guys and will be praying for your peace and contentment (and banishment of the nausea!). Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWhat's really cool is that God knew all along that you and Chip would have three's a very Biblical number by the way...or maybe more. :) Therefore, He knows that all the details will work themselves out because He is orchestrating them. None of us could ask for a better conductor than Him!
ReplyDeleteI also know that God designed you to be an awesome mother and Chip to be an amazing father, so you're both completely equipped for this even though you may not feel that way right now.
Speaking as The Budget Maven, I don't think kids require as much to be happy as we all think they do, so don't bend over backwards trying to make them comfortable (if you know what I mean)...focus on making things work the best way they can. Your kids will be better people for learning how to share, make do, and get by. (Okay, I'll stop my financial lesson now.)
So happy for you and Chip!
Aww! Congratulations!! Was it the Sunday morning we sat together?? I only have 2 but my best friend says that 3 isn't any different than 2. Either way, it was God's plan so it has to be right. Very happy for you & Chip.